Other SpIN Paths
There are six other Spirit in Nature sites around the Northeast.
SpIN Path
Unitarian Universalist Society
Marion Cross School
Norwich, VT 05055
802 649 8828
Cuvilly Art and Earth Center
10 Jeffrey's Neck Road
Ipswich, MA 01938
(contact) Sr. Pat Rollinger
978 356 4288
Spirit In Nature at Packard Manse
583 Plain Street
Stoughton, MA 02072
(contact) Jocelyn Hand
781 344 0527
Crystal Center For Earth Learning
76 Everrett Skinner Road
Plainville, MA 02762
Sr. Chris Loughlin
508 699 7167
The Center at Westwoods
590 Gay Street
Westwood, MA 02090
SpIN Path Meditation Path
Skidmore College
815 North Broadway
Saratoga, NY 12866
518 580 5683
New Dawn Earth Center
75 Wrentam Road RT121
Cumberland, RI 02864
(contact) Denise Turcotte
401 333 1341