
Spirit in Nature is represented by a growing and enthusiastic body of concerned people, mostly living in Vermont, but also from around the U.S.

The Board of Trustees

President: Ron Slabaugh
Treasurer: Gordon Cawood
Secretary: Bobbie Carnwath
Jack Carter
Carol Spooner
Reg Spooner
David Tier
Craig Zondag

Middlebury College Trustees

Anna Church

Biswash Ghimire

Phoebe Howe

Matt Spitzer

Advisors to SPIN

Rebecca Kneale-Gould, Ph.D
Warren King


...And a growing general membership of over 250.

Membership in Spirit in Nature provides you our e-mail Newsletters, online updates, and attendance at our annual meeting!  Become a member.

Send  your donation to Spirit In Nature, P. O. Box 255, East Middlebury, VT 05740